Nodon and Connection Limits

Limits per Game

Each game you create has a maximum limit of 512 Nodon and 1024 connections.
You can check how many you have used up in the pause menu.

Limits of Input and Output Ports

A single input port or output port can take up to 16 connections.

Connection Limit

An upper connection port can generally accept up to eight connections. However, the upper connection ports of the String Connector Nodon, Head Nodon, and Hand Nodon can only accept one connection.
A lower connection port typically only accepts one connection, but the Texture Nodon’s port can accept up to eight.

Connection Group Limit

Nodon that are physically connected (via the connection port) contiguously to each other are called a connection group.
You can have up to 32 Nodon in a single connection group. However, the maximum length of consecutive Nodon in a row is 17. (Texture Nodon are not included in this count.)
Also, certain combinations of Nodon might prevent Nodon from connecting directly to each other.

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